NLP has been applied professionally in many business scenarios for the past 40 years. Whilst the obvious applications include leadership and sales, you'll also find NLP used extensively by HR professionals, mediators, facilitators, presenters, trainers, coaches and more.

All About You's visiting NLP Master Trainer, Peter Freeth, probably has more experience of applying NLP in the business environment than any other trainer today. His book 'NLP in Business' is packed with ways to integrate your NLP practice into your work, and Peter has developed many business adaptations of NLP techniques which are now used by trainers all over the world.

There is no doubt that learning NLP with Peter will take your approach to business to a whole new level. Through the training process, you will face and overcome your doubts, free yourself from procrastination, learn to communicate more easily and engage teams more effectively. Many students also take the opportunity for a private coaching session with Peter to focus on their own specific objectives and aspirations.

NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner training is jointly certified by the Society of NLP (SNLP) and the International Business NLP Association (IBNLP).

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See what Cyrille has to say about his recent experience in achieving his NLP Practitioner certification.